Monday, February 17, 2020
Flights at San Felasco Tech City
This is an on-going project to conduct periodic flights at the 80-acre site in Alachua, FL to
document development progress. San Felasco Tech City (SFTC) will feature 300,000 square feet of tech space to accommodate research labs, offices, and light manufacturing. The site plan also includes a pre-school and 252 single and multi-family housing units with a clubhouse, playground, and pool. Manual,
loiter, and multi-waypoint flights are being conducted to capture high-resolution
videos and photographs. Below
are video
clips from a February 2020 flight highlighting the completed pre-school. A story map that archives drone missions at the site can be accessed here: SFTC Story Map. This is an on-going project with flights expected to continue through June 2023.