Monday, September 3, 2018
Mapping Flight at School Construction Site
A mapping flight was performed at an elementary school construction site to render a geo-referenced orthomosaic, digital surface model, and 3D textured mesh and
point cloud. The Pix4D app was used to configure
the mapping flight line.
Photos were taken every two seconds at a flight altitude of 80 m (AGL) and
ground speed of 10 m/sec. These parameters, together with the drone
camera’s wide field-of-view, ensured a high percentage of photo overlap (> 70%)
that is necessary to achieve high-resolution photogrammetry results. Overall, 87 photographs were taken during the flight that covered approximately 12.2 acres. The
highly-overlapping photos yielded a ground sample distance (GSD) of one inch. The orthomosaic, flight line, and photo locations
are shown below, followed by an animation of the 3D textured mesh.