Tuesday, November 26, 2013

White Sands Missile Range Topography

In preparation for SiteSeer flight tests, three maps were produced in response to a customer request for terrain elevation, contour, and slope information at a test site at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), NM.  To generate the maps, 1-arcsec terrain elevation data was downloaded from the USGS data distribution website (http://seamless.usgs.gov/) to perform the analysis using ArcMap's Spatial Analyst tools that included bilinear interpolation, hillshade effects, and slope and contour tools.  Latitude and longitude graticules were added to the maps to provide an accurate reference for range coordinates.  To render the inset map, the New Mexico Resource Geographic Information System (http://rgis.unm.edu/) was accessed to download a New Mexico county shapefile.  U.S. Army personnel at White Sands were contacted to acquire a shapefile of the test range.  A photo of the Capitol Peak tunnel complex was inserted to establish a visual frame of reference.