Sunday, March 21, 2021

Construction of Myra Terwilliger Elementary School

This was a 14-month project to capture bi-weekly drone footage to document the construction of the new Myra Terwilliger elementary school in Gainesville, FL.  Midway through the project, a 20-acre mapping flight was performed to generate 2D and 3D models of the site.  Specifically, a flight path grid was programmed at an altitude of 260 ft, and 137 nadir photos were captured that resulted in models exhibiting a ground sample distance of less than an inch.  An animation of the interactive 3D model is shown below.

Throughout the project, numerous manual and programmed trajectories were flown. 
The video below depicts flights along the building’s west and east elevations a few weeks prior to project completion.  A story map that archives every drone mission at the site can be accessed here: Elementary School Story Map.